Research and News

[FiinRatings] Assessing the impact of Decree 65/2022/ND-CP on the corporate bond market


In this Market Commentary #3, we aim to provide assessments of the impacts of Decree 65 on the market on the following main changes

Corporate bond market struggling with challenges


The size of the corporate bond market is estimated at some VND1,374 trillion, equivalent to 15 percent of GDP. The government aims to raise this figure to 20 percent by 2025

FiinRatings - Corporate Bonds Bulletin - July 2022


FiinRatings is pleased to present the Corporate Bonds Bulletin – July 2022 covers comprehensive insights into the Vietnam corporate bond market in July

Vietnamese corporate bond market – Adjustments to develop sustainably


Within the first weeks of April, the authorities have handled several violations related to the corporate bond market (“C-bond”). Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai has just signed and promulgated Official Dispatch No. 304/CD-TTg dated 07 April 2022, of the Prime Minister to rectify corporate bond market activities and land use rights auction.