Issuer Credit Rating
Benefits to issuers

Benefits to investors

After each credit rating action, FiinRatings provides timely analysis and opinions to the issuers and the market through various channels.
Credit Rating Report
- We update the credit rating opinion at least twice a year, reviewing events that affect issuer ratings., etc.
Credit Rating Announcement:
- We announce the credit rating on FiinRatings’ website
- We transmit credit rating announcement via email to FiinGroup's subscriber customers.
- We spread credit rating announcements through securities companies that are using FiinGroup’s API data feed.
Explaining Credit Rating Result To The Market
- FiinRatings organizes seminar to announce the credit rating announcement and to explain the key drivers for each rating action.
- We receive and response actively analytical questions from investors regarding credit rating.

Rating criteria
- Industry risks and prospects
- Business position and risks: size and scale, products, and markets.
- Financial position and risks: level of financial leverage, liquidity and solvency for payments of due financial obligations
- Corporate governance and management, risk monitoring, and financial management
- Risk correlation between the enterprise, shareholders, business partners, and credit institutions

Rating surveillance
- Continuously and periodically monitor with updated rating and outlook, at least every six months or in events that significantly affect the issuer's ability to fulfill its financial obligations.
For more information on FiinRatings' credit rating methodology, see here